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22 June 2009


AKLabs is happy to announce it's latest knowledge service to our readers, clients, and partners - BlogTalkRadio. We are adding to audio our media platform, click on the link above and check it out. Currently we broadcasting live @0600 USEastern (-4 UCT) to test out the service and our platform. You can tune in live or download the mp3 for listening at your convenience.

Here is our scheduled programming for the next two weeks:
  1. 22JUN09 - Intro to the rutter: rutter: likely from French routier and Dutch ruiter, meaning "something that finds a way", A guide who leads the way through a difficult or unknown course. Bring onboard your own CGO4Hire (Chief Growth Officer), gain the insights to grow your business from zero to a billion.
  2. 23JUN09 - Laws of Business and Gravity: This is first in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; what are the laws of business that operate with the effectiveness of gravity.
  3. 24JUN09 - Profiles of Success - Entrepreneurial Competence: This is second in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
  4. 25JUN09 - Turning Your Dream Into a Winning Plan: This is third in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; Growth Stage I - Dream2Plan.
  5. 26JUN09 - Cash is King: This is fourth in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; go-live - starting fast and making money, sell-sell-sell.
  6. 29JUN09 - After Catching Your Breath, What Now? What Next? This is fifth in a series of 8 shows based on eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage III - you have survived and proved both the business idea and your ability to manage the chaos, what is next beside catching your breath.
  7. 30JUN09 - Big Fast - Growing2Capacity: This is sixth in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage IV, time to repay your investment - making the business finally produce results for customers, employees, and yourself.
  8. 1JUL09 - Your Future - Sell, Decline, or Reinvent: This is seventh in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage V - reaching your first plateau and rethinking the end game - do you sell, sit on your laurels, or go for it again?
  9. 2JUL09 - Path to Market Dominance: This is last in a series of 8 shows based upon eastman's upcoming book - the code - on how you can manage business growth; stage VI - reinvention of the business and taking the path to market leadership or domination.
  10. 3JUL09 - Rules of the Road - Fast Growth and Your Business: What are the best practices of fast and sustainable growth companies? How did they defy the odds? Most business experts conform to a theory of "thirds": Of all the new business startups, 1/3 eventually turn a profit, 1/3 break even, and 1/3 never leave a negative earnings scenario. Only 2/3 of all small business startups survive the first two years and less than half make it to four years. Only 1 in 400 make it from their first reinvention to a billion in revenue.

Bring onboard your own CGO4Hire (Chief Growth Officer), gain the insights to grow your business from zero to a billion.

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